Wishes and Kisses
Written and Illustrated by Heather Pallotta
In the land of Wishes and Kisses smiling monkeys, flying rhinos and snuggle bunnies are a child's friend.

Winner of the
Book Award
for Early Readers
& Children’s Picture Books

You are made up of moonbeams and sunshine and love,

the light from twinkling stars above.

You are wishes and kisses,

lightning bug sparkles and rainbow drop dew.

All the lady bugs nod and agree in the breeze,

that the gleam in your eye, your giggle and your coo,

all make you my love, so perfectly you!

And while some days you might feel silly, wiggly and warm,

Other days might feel dreary and blue. A little bit down or just not like you.

But fly high, little bird, with a song on your wing.

Let your wishes take flight. Send them high up to the moon and out to the stars.

You are my love bug, my snuggle bunny, my twinkling light.

My heart is aglow like the setting sun.

For you, little baby, my bumbling bee.

And the magical, mystical world that you make for me.

Heather Verrusio Pallotta

My 32 page children's book is intended as a board book for babies ages 0-4 and beyond, with a word count of 147. In the land of Wishes and Kisses smiling monkeys, flying rhinos and snuggle bunnies are a child's friend. With each page you can enjoy getting lost in imagination.
Along with whimsical imagery it is my hope for Wishes and Kisses is to convey a large message. In the vein of Rhonda Bryne's The Secret and my mentor, Depak Chopra's philosophies my series of children's books aim at empowering children with tools for life. I hope to help plant seeds to guide them toward fulfilling their own bright destinies.
We also would be greatly interested in working with the appropriate non profit organization in support of children and offering a portion of sales to this cause.
I am a professional artist of many disciplines and with my children for my muse I enjoy lending magical illustrations and text to nurture the spirit.
I am a member of SCBWI and The Children's Writer’s Guild, on which both of my books have been published. I have written and illustrated my books entirely.​